Chain of fool's thoughts Friday February 11, 2005, 5 comments

I have come to the conclusion that I have spent the better part – perhaps as much as 25 years – of my life idling. I need to stop messing about in the bathtub and build me a big boat…

Every time I am bobbing along in my sailboat, enjoying the serenity it affords, I roll my eyes when power boaters inevitably “buzz” me. Then I make a mental note to tell them about it when I pass them and their out-of-fuel boat three hours later. Or maybe I’ll just email them…

Someone needs to find a way for me to have wireless internet access while out on the water sailing…

Apple Powerbooks are sexier than anything in the Windows world. The rest of the world needs to understand this. If I can do all the crap I need to do with a 1.5GHz G4, they can. Dr. Seuss could have…

And to Think That I Saw it on Mulberry Street is a better book than Green Eggs and Ham...

There are solid historical reasons for pigs being considered unclean animals, and therefore unclean to eat, even the non-green variety. You want to eat an animal that frequently wallows in its own crap? Pork is bad, okay? Along with vegetarians, the Jews and Muslims are probably right not to eat it. And speaking of muslims…

Under what circumstances is it intelligent to go to war with Iran? Going to war with Iran is going to give two previously opposed militaristic nations (Iraq and Iran) a common enemy. And unlike North Americans, who insist on creating nifty little gadgets to do the dirty work so they don’t have to be intimately involved with seeing someone’s guts sprayed across their living room (unless its on television, in which case that’s okay), these people ARE WILLING DO DIE FOR WHAT THEY BELIEVE IN…

North American’s are, in fact willing to die for what they believe in. Unfortunately, it all we seem to believe in is fast food, SUVs and Baseball…

Fast food is NOT FOOD. Baseball is NOT A SPORT. SUVs do not, under any circumstances, require a V8 engine or more seats than a school bus..

We need to teach our children how to act on a school bus. It’s a perfect microcosm for real society. North Americans need to learn how to solve problems without resorting to guns, lawyers or therapists…

I have to run. I’m due in court. After I’m acquitted, I’m suing a sizable gun manufacturer for their role in the shooting death of my therapist…


K Friday February 11, 2005

i need to answer in german because i wouldn’t find the right words in english… sorry

Suchen wir nicht alle nach dem Sinn des Lebens? Speziell nach dem Sinn UNSERES Lebens? Ich weiß nicht, wie lange ich mir meinen Kopf schon über dieses Thema zerbrochen habe, aber ich komme wohl nie auf die richtige Antwort…

Natürlich schütteln wir den Kopf, wenn wir einmal aufmerksam unsere Umgebung beobachten. Wir sind alle nur noch Konsum-gesteuerte Sklaven, die tagein tagaus wie Laborratten dem uns vorgeschriebenen System folgen. Es macht mich krank im Kopf, wenn ich überlege, dass auch ich eine solche Laborratte bin. Was soll ich tun?! Kann man überhaupt aus diesem Moloch entfliehen?

Wenn ich es mir überlege, frage ich mich wirklich, ob ich Kinder in diese Welt setzen möchte. Sollte man dieses System einem kleinen, hilflosen und so unschuldigen Wesen überhaupt antun? Ich habe keine Antwort darauf.

Oder ist einfach DAS unsere Lebensaufgabe – uns über diese Fragen den Kopf zu zerbrechen?

Jorge Monday February 14, 2005

Are you serious?

Adrian Monday February 14, 2005

Am I ever?

Jorge Tuesday February 15, 2005

One never knows with you.

Physics Boy Wednesday April 20, 2005

Trust me, guys, it’s significant.

Commenting has ended for this post, but I'd still love to hear from you.

The website of Adrian Lebar

Hey! I don't really post here much any more, but I have been contributing to Temna Zvezda. Why not head over there and check it out?

A Rain of Frogs was written, designed and built by Adrian Lebar, a twenty-five(!) year veteran of web design and development. He is currently managing web and mobile development teams at Canada’s largest and most beloved classifieds site, Kijiji!

He is a father, sailor, snowboarder, skier, cyclist, writer, artist, graphic designer, classically trained musician and afraid of heights.

Adrian is not currently available for freelance and contract work. Learn more.

If I had known I was going to live to 100, I'd have taken up violin at 60.”
- Unknown centagenerian, on her 100th birthday
