Queerer and Queerer Thursday March 3, 2005, 3 comments

Canada, North America’s liberal nation, may finally be on the brink of gay fatigue. After years and years of having homosexuality (rightly) forced into the mainstream consciousness, open minded Canadians have reached the point of no care. Certainly some of the more homophobic segments of the population are still not tired of screaming about the decay of morality, but they’re idiots anyway. Most of us, being the enlightened bunch we are, just don’t give a rats ass.

Queer as Folk, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Will & Grace, the list is long, but not varied. Canada is pretty tolerant of diversity, and always has been. Gay is good. Gay is chic. Gay is the way. Being a fag hag is the way to be fashionable. Even straight guys started dressing like gay men in order to attract women who wanted their straight boys to be as stylish as their new gay best girlfriend. The message? Dress like you want in his pants if you want to get in mine.

Not that straight guys didn’t need a kick in the ass anyway.

Ontario just recently passed legislation legalizing gay marriage, which is a great thing. People shouldn’t try to force others to adhere to moral beliefs, especially if those beliefs are causing no harm.

I’ve been saying this for years about the “race” issue, and now I’m going to say it about the gay issue: The point is made. Indeed. Just as I believe black people need to stop drawing attention to the fact they’re black people, and just accept that they’re people, like everyone else, gay men and women need to stop telling everyone their gay people and just accept that they’re people.

You know what? The last thing that would ever go through a white guy’s mind is “I’m a white guy” and no straight guy would ever think to himself “I’m a straight man.” But the heterosexual white male has long been the benchmark by which equality has been measured. Not by the heterosexual white man. But by everyone who thought the heterosexual white man was paying attention.

The gay community should probably step back now, and occupy its rightly-earned place in society. They aren’t gay people any more. They’re just people. Thats what the fight was for. And the fight is won. Continuing to push gay culture will start a backlash against it, and risk the gains that have been made.


Jorge Thursday March 3, 2005

Very nicely written.

This makes me think of something that happened on the subway the other day. It was late, and an afro-Canadian guy was going on about oppression, and how the “system” is “holding him down”. He kept pointint at another guy as he said this, blaming him.

The other guy was black as well, and was looking confused as all hell.


Adrian Thursday March 3, 2005

Scary old place, the world.

Physics Boy Wednesday April 20, 2005

One of the largest problems in society is how everyone else seems to know what it is like to be everyone else. No one knows how to shut the hell up and let the other person talk.

It’ll be the end of us.

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