Desperate Thursday May 19, 2005, 6 comments

There was this girl last night at the bar. Even from the stage it was easy to see she was pretty. Not “beautiful,” but quite pretty. But she was so…


She was obviously drunk, and groping and making out with guys everywhere.

I felt so bad for her.

She was making offers that were VERY difficult to refuse, yet every guy in the bar did, all put off by the intensity of her desperation yet unwittingly contributing to it.

Thank you.

I would like to take the time right now to thank the discoverers of coffee for making it possible for me to get through Thursdays.


K Thursday May 19, 2005

Ist es nicht erschreckend, wie weit Menschen gehen können, wenn sie verzweifelt sind? Ich wette, wenn sie sich an diesen Abend erinnern kann, wird die ganze Sache ziemlich peinlich für sie sein… aber womöglich war es nicht das erste Mal, dass sie so etwas tut – wer weiß…

Adrian Thursday May 19, 2005

It was very sad K. I was stunned by the sense of tragedy.

el tigra Thursday May 19, 2005

Pity the poor single women, society’s outcasts…

Adrian Friday May 20, 2005

I just pity anyone who is willing to sell their soul a slice at a time for something as fleeting as attention.

el tigra Friday May 20, 2005

It is funny the pressures society puts on the single woman. Did you know that single women in their late 20s are the group that is most likely to suffer from depression? In the UK I’ve known us to be blamed for everything, from the increase in the male obsession with weight to the booming property prices in London.

Adrian Friday May 20, 2005

That’s got more to do with being caught in the trap than it does anything else, el tigra sinistra.

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Hey! I don't really post here much any more, but I have been contributing to Temna Zvezda. Why not head over there and check it out?

A Rain of Frogs was written, designed and built by Adrian Lebar, a twenty-five(!) year veteran of web design and development. He is currently managing web and mobile development teams at Canada’s largest and most beloved classifieds site, Kijiji!

He is a father, sailor, snowboarder, skier, cyclist, writer, artist, graphic designer, classically trained musician and afraid of heights.

Adrian is not currently available for freelance and contract work. Learn more.

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked. The inverse proposition also appears to be true: A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be made to work.”
- John Gall
