So, what do you do? Tuesday January 16, 2007, 8 comments

I am so tired of this question. Does anyone else find it repulsive?

Does one’s career define the sort of person one is? Does being an accountant guarantee one will also be boring and introverted? Does being a musician and graphic designer automatically make me some nouveau-bohemian coolster?

I haven’t travelled much, but I am lead to believe this question is uniquely North American, and that Europeans wouldn’t have the audacity to ask something so tactless and ultimately meaningless.

How about we start asking more meaningful questions, like “What’s important to you?” or “What are you when you’re NOT an accountant?”


Nils Wednesday January 17, 2007

While I have heard it before, you are right in thinking that it is somewhat secondary to us.

Of course, it all depends on setting and environment, but when engaging in a conversation with someone, I would agree that we would rather ask something along the lines of: “What are you up to?”

It then all depends on how much the person identifies with his actual job and to what extent his daily activities bring bread on the table.

I am happy to say that the first thing we ask, though, more often is: “What are you having?” Cheers!

CJ Wednesday January 17, 2007

I used to live in Eastern Europe, where the first question is “How much money do you make?” (I hear this is the first question in Japan, too.)

Westerners find that question REALLY offensive. For me personally, it is just irrelevant. I work at my job because I love it… not because it pays the best.

I prefer to ask people, “So how do you like to spend your free time?” It is a far more interesting question, and leads to a real conversation, instead of the inevitable dead spot that follows “What do you do for a living?”...

“I’m an accountant.”


(...twiddle thumbs…)

(...look off into the distance…)

“So I’m gonna go get another drink. See ya!”

Adrian Wednesday January 17, 2007

I guess I’ve been realigning my understanding of things lately, because I have recently found myself perplexed by so many things that most people around me would consider utterly normal.

Part of it might come from the recent liberation of my working hours. It’s a lot harder to answer “I’m a freelance web designer and musician” than it is to say I work for such-and-such.

Freelance web designer and musician inevitably seems to come off as “suckerfish leeching off society’s broken back” instead.

It’s a bit depressing, really.

Next time someone asks me what I do I’m going to tell them something ridiculous.

“You know those ‘Body’ exhibits where they make art out of real human cadavers? I’m the guy with the high-speed saw skills.”

Let’s see where that goes.

Richard Wednesday January 24, 2007

You can’t ask ‘what you do while you’re NOT an accountant’ unless you first ask ‘what do you do’. ;)

Adrian Wednesday January 24, 2007

Sure, go and get logical. How does that help? :)

Jorge Friday January 26, 2007

I tend to not initiate the following topics:

1) Wife
2) Kids
3) Job

There are plenty of opportunities that people present (usually subconsciously) that open the door to these topics.

If I really wanted to know, I’d just scan their brain with my mind powers anyway. ;)

John Baker Sunday February 4, 2007

The problem is not really connected to the question, but more often to the answer.
If the answer to ‘what do you do?’ is ‘accountant’ followed by a long silence, it seems like whatever the question you are still faced by someone who is an accountant and nothing else apart from the long silence.
When people ask me what I do I quite often tell them I sell insurance but that I prefer to talk about sex death politics religion or literature (choose a topic).
The truth is, though, I don’t sell insurance . . .

stefani Wednesday February 14, 2007

My male friend and I were discussing this exact topic yesterday at lunch. He was talking with a girl on YIM and she asked him what he does for fun: He replied: Do you really care? and she replied: No. So, why do we feel like we need to ask dumb, useless questions….I prefer to ask, hows life? Because that way, at least the other person can really express him/herself.

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A Rain of Frogs was written, designed and built by Adrian Lebar, a twenty-five(!) year veteran of web design and development. He is currently managing web and mobile development teams at Canada’s largest and most beloved classifieds site, Kijiji!

He is a father, sailor, snowboarder, skier, cyclist, writer, artist, graphic designer, classically trained musician and afraid of heights.

Adrian is not currently available for freelance and contract work. Learn more.

Perfection is not achieved when there is nothing more to add, but rather when there is nothing more which can be taken away.”
- Antoine de St Exupery
