Flow Thursday May 26, 2005, 1 comments

take my mind and gently knead it until ideas start flowing again
there’s seven high seats at the low round table but no guests to fill them
that’s okay they’d only eat bran flakes until kirk has another enema anyway

anything worth doing is worth doing well
and it’ll be difficult unless you’re good at it
in which case it’ll look effortless and you can charge more

four times fifty lost confused men (and we heard no sigh nor groan)
were left hanging on a dead mans gallows
while crows pretending to be starlings alit upon their brow

coffee tea me you him her them us double double regular black
bow down and worship the god of hockey and caffeine
or the gods of detroit iron and dinosaur gasoline

burn the fish feed the boats lock the princess behind the moat
ten thousand airplanes fill the sky with pain and V12 power
kilroy may have been here but all he got was this lousy shirt

kill the headlights on the long drive it doesn’t make sense
that in the darkness the light looks like death
and in the bright light of civilization darkness looks like debt

take my gun and gently shoot it until ideas start flowing again
theres no guests at the high table but there’s three low chairs anyway
and in the silence at the end of time click here


caerulea Thursday May 26, 2005

isn’t that just profound
hockey and caffeine
regular please

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The website of Adrian Lebar

Hey! I don't really post here much any more, but I have been contributing to Temna Zvezda. Why not head over there and check it out?

A Rain of Frogs was written, designed and built by Adrian Lebar, a twenty-five(!) year veteran of web design and development. He is currently managing web and mobile development teams at Canada’s largest and most beloved classifieds site, Kijiji!

He is a father, sailor, snowboarder, skier, cyclist, writer, artist, graphic designer, classically trained musician and afraid of heights.

Adrian is not currently available for freelance and contract work. Learn more.

If I had known I was going to live to 100, I'd have taken up violin at 60.”
- Unknown centagenerian, on her 100th birthday
